Money on My Mind

Money on My Mind

I recently read an article in Money magazine on why saving money is so hard.  The article featured an interview with Sendhil Mullainathan, Professor of Economics at Harvard University.  Mullainathan explains that lack of saving comes from lack of attention —...
A Roadmap for a New Season of Life

A Roadmap for a New Season of Life

In the last three years of my life, I have experienced more challenges, heartbreaks, and triumphs, than in the previous 37 years. Coincidence? I think not. Could it be that I’m older and wiser and paying more attention to the blessings in my life? That may be a small...
The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking Day is a time set aside each year to concentrate on all things positive. An American entrepreneur started this day in 2003 so that people could commemorate the many rewards that can be found in thinking positively. I still remember that Friday...
Stepping into Your Greatness: The GoalFriends Movement

Stepping into Your Greatness: The GoalFriends Movement

“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”   “No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helps you.” These quotes from American...
A Global Vision by an Original GoalFriend

A Global Vision by an Original GoalFriend

Life is full of divine appointments. Sometimes our goals aren’t specific, but more about striving to make our life matter.  I recently experienced this first-hand. I have had the honor of being in the first-ever GoalFriends group which started eight years ago!  ...